Hillary Beat Trump
Clinton condemns Putin's "war on voters" in both Russia and America

Clinton condemns Putin's "war on voters" in both Russia and America

Washington, D.C. -- President Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a steely, powerful and often poetic statement defending the thousands of Russian protesters who have risked their lives to voice passionate criticisms of their oppressive leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin since last weekend's elections.

“The Russian people have a right speak truth to power, to raise their voices without risking their lives,” said President Clinton. “That is a hallmark of free speech and is something that is integral to establishing trust between a nation’s leader and its citizens. The United States stands in solidarity with all the Russian people choosing to exercise this right. I hope that President Putin will thoughtfully hear and reflect upon these protests in an effort to best represent the Russian people.” 

Protests erupted throughout the country over the weekend as continued U.S.-backed sanctions have caused Russia’s economy to experience the worst recession in the country’s history. The latest round of sanctions were put in place in early March after overwhelming evidence showed an obvious collusion between failed presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government.

“We have reached a tipping point here in our country,” said Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “President Putin has chosen to use the office to enrich his friends and his family rather than help his fellow citizens. When that happens, a country’s people have no choice but to speak out and demand to be heard.”

Failed presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted from within his upscale Russian villa, saying, “People protesting a great and popular man in Putin. Sad!”

Fellow American living in exile, Edward Snowden, could not be reached for comment, but sources close to him said "it's awkward."

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